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Summerland Animal Clinic

Dog with blue leash in front of tulips

Educational Information

A small tan cat indoors sitting on a table eating grass from a potted plant

Pet Food Recalls

The AVMA website contains an up-to-date list of ALL Pet Food recalls.

Dog laying next to chocolate bar

Pet Poison Helpline

Refer to the Pet Poison Helpline to find potential toxins and their symptoms if ingested. ​Always call the clinic immediately if your pet has ingested a potential toxin.

Photo of pet food storage of Summerland Animal Clinic

Veterinary Diets

We are proud to stock Royal Canin Veterinary Exclusive Diets and Hills Prescription Diets to treat and meet the diverse needs of our patients. We have a knowledgeable team who are always eager to discuss unique nutrition needs and support your pet get back into healthy shape as needed. Shop our online store today!